MB001. The Australian Woodworker – Number 01 ()

MB002. The Australian Woodworker – Number 02 ()

MB003. The Australian Woodworker – Number 03 ()

MB004. The Australian Woodworker – Number 04 ()

MB005. The Australian Woodworker – Number 05 ()

MB006. The Australian Woodworker – Number 06 ()

MB007. The Australian Woodworker – Number 07 ()

MB008. The Australian Woodworker – Number 08 ()

MB009. The Australian Woodworker – Number 09 ()

MB010. The Australian Woodworker – Number 10 ()

MB011. The Australian Woodworker – Number 11 ()

MB012. The Australian Woodworker – Number 12 ()

MB013. The Australian Woodworker – Number 13 ()

MB014. The Australian Woodworker – Number 14 ()

MB015. The Australian Woodworker – Number 15 ()

MB016. The Australian Woodworker – Number 16 ()

MB017. The Australian Woodworker – Number 17 ()

MB018. The Australian Woodworker – Number 18 ()

MB019. The Australian Woodworker – Number 19 ()

MB020. The Australian Woodworker – Number 20 ()

MB021. The Australian Woodworker – Number 21 ()

MB022. The Australian Woodworker – Number 22 ()

MB023. The Australian Woodworker – Number 23 ()

MB024. The Australian Woodworker – Number 24 ()

MB025. The Australian Woodworker – Number 25 ()

MB026. The Australian Woodworker – Number 26 ()

MB027. The Australian Woodworker – Number 27 ()

MB028. The Australian Woodworker – Number 28 ()

MB029. The Australian Woodworker – Number 29 (Jan/Feb 1990)

New woodworking products,- Designing and making a wall unit Part 1,- Setting your dust collector system to work,- Turning a cabriole leg,- Turning a bottle for your genie

MB030. The Australian Woodworker – Number 30 (Mar/Apr 1990)

Using metals in the small workshop,- Make your own sash cramps,- Make your own C clamps,- Model ballista wood and metal,- Decorative brass makes a come back,- Designing and making a wall unit Part 2,-Divert the dust and liberate the lungs,- Choosing timber finishes,- Turning a ball and stand one unit

MB031. The Australian Woodworker – Number 31 ()

MB032. The Australian Woodworker – Number 32 (Jul/Aug 1990)

Getting started in woodturning,- Turning tool design,- Turning unusual woods,- A scratch built lathe,- Bush toys and furniture,- A woodie’s guide to wood part 2 (American Black Walnut, Huon Pine, South American Cedar, Blackwood Australian),- Build your own bench Part 2,-Making the five trailer truck part 2,- Dowelling Jig

MB033. The Australian Woodworker – Number 33 (Sep/Oct 1990)

Elliptical tables,- Hand tools unusual and interesting,- Solar kiln,- Making small wooden boxes,- Make your own tool rest,- Jack plane,- Threading a turned knob,- Managing dust,- A steel lathe stand,- Build your own bench Part 2,- User report triton saw blade, router sharpener, Kity Bestcombi,- A woodie’s guide to wood part 2 ( Western Australian Sheoak, Brazilian Walnut, Myrtle Beech & American White Ash)

MB034. The Australian Woodworker – Number 34 (Nov/Dec 1990)

Making a clock,- Router basics,- Using a router,- Making a chess set,- A woodie’s guide to wood part 3 (Zebrano, Rose Alder, Baltic Pine, Jarrah),- Make a toy wood duck & water duck,- Model railway steam engine,- A Banksia Pomander

MB035. The Australian Woodworker – Number 35 (Jan/Feb 1991)

Learn to carve step by step,- Design of wood turning Gouges,- A whittler’s kit,- Napoleon’s campaign chair A woodie’s guide to wood part 4 (Blackbean, Queensland Maple, Rock Maple, American White Oak),- Dowelling Jig,- Old spinning Wheel in the parlour part 1

MB036. The Australian Woodworker – Number 36 Mar/Apr 1991

The Japanese plane,- The Kreg Jig,- Old spinning Wheel in the parlour part 2, A woodie’s guide to wood part 5 (Silver Ash, Celery Top Pine, Australian Red Cedar Purpleheart),-The Viking cradle,- Turn & Spin top

MB037. The Australian Woodworker – Number 37 (May/Jun 1991)

Japanese Saws,- Woodturning tips,- Choosing a Scroll saw,- Making a musical instrument,- A woodie’s guide to wood part 6 (Maracaibo Boxwood, Kauri, Teak, Queensland Silky Oak),- Whittling a bowl and spoon,- Decorate a bowl with off centre turning,- A hand crafted wooden tray

MB038. The Australian Woodworker – Number 38 (Jul/Aug 1991)

Manufacture a 1914 Model T part 1,- Turning a tribal urn,- A technique for workshop design,- Japanese water stones,- A fail safe dowelling technique,- Tormek Tool Sharpener,- Woodturning tips,- A woodie’s guide to wood part 7 (Central American Mahogany, Bubinga, Southern Sassafras & Blackhearted Sassafras, Kwila),

MB039. The Australian Woodworker – Number 39 (Sep/Oct 1991)

Machines under $2,000,- A vertical chainsaw mill,- About Tech drawing,- The use of hide glues,- Biesemeyer improves your saw bench,- Woodturning tips,- Design and make your own bedroom suite part 1,- A woodie’s guide to wood part 8 (Queensland Walnut, New Guinea Rosewood, White Beech, Mountain Ash/Tasmanian oak/Victorian Ash),- Manufacture a 1914 Model T part 2

MB040. The Australian Woodworker – Number 40 (Nov/Dec 1991)

Boat feature,- Building a vertical drum sander,- Woodturning tips,- Tools of trade the spokeshave,- Design your own bedroom suite ,- A woodie’s guide to wood part 9 (Mulga, Japanese Beech, Rose Mahogany, White Cypress Pine)

MB041. The Australian Woodworker – Number 41 (Jan/Feb 1992)

Choose a glue,- Safe working with adhesives,- Finishes for timber,- Paint preparation for timber,- Homemade 400mm bandsaw,- Making a Walking stick,- Design and make your own bedroom suite part 2,- Miniature Maker using normal tools,- A woodie’s guide to wood part 10 (American Cherry, Iroko),- Magna Knife Set Jig (Jointers Thicknessers)

MB042. The Australian Woodworker – Number 42 (Mar/Apr 1992)

A guide to hinges,- Using metal spinning to embellish wood turning,- Building a lathe from scratch,- Japanese Tools and Techniques,- Designing & developing the Ripley band saw,- A woodie’s guide to wood part 11 (Messmate, Alpine Ash/Victorian Ash Balsa Antarctic Beech), Jigs and Fixtures,- Ball Turning,- A ball turning accessory for your lathe,- Ball turning made easy,- The coachbuilder’s Shop,- Timber for plane making

MB043. The Australian Woodworker – Number 43 (May/Jun 1992)

Antique style revolving bookcase,- Takenaka carpentry tools museum,-How to handle dust, chips and shavings,- The durden top turn lathe,- A woodie’s guide to wood part 12 (Bolly Gum, Alerce, Yellow Carabeen & Forest Oak),-Jack Nixon’s wheel cutter (pedestal drill),A coach builder’s shop part 2,- Turning a Grecian urn

MB044. The Australian Woodworker – Number 44 ()

MB045. The Australian Woodworker – Number 45 (Sep/Oct 1992)

Encase your tools in leather,- Tea trolley,- Ornamental turning,- Jigs for the router,- Woodturning tips,- Grant Vaughan slide table,- A woodie’s guide to wood part 14 (Sitka Spruce, Red Mahogany, White Hazelwood ,Brigalow)

MB046. The Australian Woodworker – Number 46 ()

MB047. The Australian Woodworker – Number 47 (Jan/Feb 1993)

Jigs & Devices for jointing wood,- Building a clinker dinghy part 1,- First steps in woodcarving,- Ornamental turning using your lathe & router,-Aztec tongue drums, (heart shape dovetail Japanese twisted dovetail),-How to make a rumbler,-Roughing & detail gouges (lathe work ),- A woodie’s guide to wood part 16,(Hoop Pine & Jelutong)- Turning coconuts into containers,- A simple marquetry project box,- A project in pyrography

MB048. The Australian Woodworker – Number 48 (Mar/Apr 1993)

Oval Tray,- Burl hunting,- Veneering part 1,- Building a clinker dinghy part 2,- Ornamental Turning,- First steps in carving a wombat,- A turning bowl gouge,- ,- Home made lathe,- Quick mounting tools on a woodworking lathe,- Circular saw blades,- Racal helmet,- A woodie’s guide to wood part 17(Douglas Fir Oregon, Bolly Silkwood)

MB049. The Australian Woodworker – Number 49 (May/Jun 1993)

Adding tools & accessories to your lathe,- Cedar goblets with spun brass,- Making bowls from craftwood,-Bush table, Marquetry Variations on a theme,- Proman mitre saw , A woodie’s guide to wood part 18(Macassar Ebony, Lignum Vitae)

MB050. The Australian Woodworker – Number 50 (Jul/Aug 1993)

Low Toxicity chemicals for woodworkers,- Triton woodern filing cabinet,- Making a Colonial stool,- A woodie’s guide to wood part 19(Perobe Rosa, New Zealand Silver Beech) ,-Carving a bird in the hand,- Folding Pinic Table,- Tulip Vase,- The Bi-Centenary of Machine Wood Cutting

MB051. The Australian Woodworker – Number 51 (Sep/Oct 1993)

Did the Cheops have a Kreg jig,- Woodcarvers tool box,- Router partners(router on the lathe),- User report, Safe-T-Planer,- A woodie’s guide to wood part 20 (Sapele, Tallowood)),- Making a Dovetailed Box,- carving a wave or two of dolphins,- making a Dexter Rocker

MB052. The Australian Woodworker – Number 52 (Nov/Dec 1993)

Make a stringed instrument,- Building a squatter’s chair,- A miniature  firescreen,- Make a set of router gauges,- Make your own mouldings,- A toy cradle,- Art deco mirror frame,- Carving a whale and calf,- A woodie’s guide to wood part 21 (Concalo Alves & Cerejeira)

MB053. The Australian Woodworker – Number 53 (Jan/Feb 1994)

 Incra router jig,- Sharpening wood turning tools,- Dyco bandsaw,- Hot melt guns,- Art Deco Mirror frame,- Making candlesticks from scrap,- woodie’s guide to wood part 22 (Miva Mahogany, Canadian Yellow Cedar)

MB054. The Australian Woodworker – Number 54 (Mar/Apr 1994)

Before you buy a work bench,- Building a leg vice for your bench,- Home made dust extraction,- A woodie’s guide to wood part 23 (African Mahogany & Sydney Blue Gum),- 4 Jaw chucks holding bowls platters and vases,- Techniques of accurate marking out are fundamental to fine woodworking,- Sharpening woodturning gouges,- Fasteners replace glue and clamps,- Segmented turning a Genie vase,- Fine tune your bandsaw,- Carving the family crest

MB055. The Australian Woodworker – Number 55 (May/Jun 1994)

Building a long case clock,- Traditional Norwegian carving,- Sharpening the skew chisel,- Portable kilns,- Renovation of badly worn drawers,- Survey of disc sanders,- 4 jaw chucks,- Carving a heron tableau,- A woodie’s guide to wood part 24 (Nyatoh, Rio Rosewood or Brazilian Rosewood)

MB056. The Australian Woodworker – Number 56 (Jul/Aug 1994)

Repairs & renovation furniture and stairs,- Restoring a biedermeier couch.- Conservation of a pair of 19th c. gothic revival chairs,- Planer/thicknesser,- drilling holes in timber,- A woodie’s guide to wood part 25 ( Rose maple, Meranti)

MB057. The Australian Woodworker – Number 57 (Sep/Oct 1994)

Rocking without Truning,- Fire hardened timber,- A proper bookcase,- Evolution or revolution cordless drills,- Workshop dust problems solutions,- Part 2 finger spinning tops,- Making a chisel handle,- Re-furbishing a hand plane,- Carving a pelican,- User report Freud biscuit joiner

MB058. The Australian Woodworker – Number 58 (Nov/Dec1994)

Build a toy motorcycle,- Finger spinning tops,- Using Japanese tools,- An antique style column cabinet,- Carving a heron mirror border

MB059. The Australian Woodworker – Number 59 (Jan/Feb 1995)

The art and skulduggery of producing newsletters,- Triton Superjaws wins Merit award,- Building a computer desk,- Wood sculpture,- Making small wheels,- Lazy Susan turned 3 layers,- Sharpening cabinet Scrapers,- An ancient lamp,- Carving a rose in a tray

MB060. The Australian Woodworker – Number 60 (Mar/Apr 1995)

Timber finishing treatments,- Choosing cabinet hardware,- Mahogany dresser,- wooden box construction,- Wood turning tools,- Custom built bowl turning lathe,- Surface preparation

MB061. The Australian Woodworker – Number 61 (May/Jun 1995)

Keeping your tools sharp,- A sailing ship’s block & pulley jewel box,- Making an entrance door without glue,- Marking out the key to success,- Drilling on a lathe,- Drop side table

MB062. The Australian Woodworker – Number 62 (Jul/Aug 1995)

Making a piano stool,- Grinding tools prior to sharpening,- Hand planes,- Build a rebate plane,- Making s aussie whirligig,- Carving a cod,- Automatic lathe woodturning Making a wooden goblets

MB063. The Australian Woodworker – Number 63 (Sep/Oct 1995)

Dovetails,- Bench mounted machines,- Making a sleeveless drum sander,- Make a grandfather clock,- Making a gateleg utility table,- Combining timber & plastics in woodturning,- A swimming cod,- Make a swing cradle

MB064. The Australian Woodworker – Number 64 (Nov/Dec 1995)

Halving joints,- Letter spacing for wood carvers,- A centre finding gauge,- Turning laminated veneer pots,- An avuncular table,- make a box from Huon pine with a carved Tasmanian tiger

MB065. The Australian Woodworker – Number 65 (Jan/Feb 1996)

Halving joints part 2,-  Router accessories,- Pyrography (wood burning drawings),- Augers for long hole boring,- Burls are beaut,-Rip fences,-  Making a chest table,- Making a boomerang,-  Process of carving,- Ebonising for woodturners (staining or finishing timber in imitation of ebony)

MB066. The Australian Woodworker – Number 66 (Mar/Apr 1996)

How to use a router,-  Turning a standard lamp,-  Making a wooden boat,- Bush chair making,- Harold’s planing jig,- Bending timber,- Glaser grind master sharpening jig,- A library chair,- Carving a possum

MB067. The Australian Woodworker – Number 67 (May/Jun 1996)

Making circular mirrors,- Woodturners scratch gauge,- Dovetail test piece,- Making tools,- Bandsaw project,- Carving a labyrinth 

MB068. The Australian Woodworker – Number 68 (Jul/Aug 1996)

Using a router as a thicknesser and planer,- Turning fluted bowls,- Getting started in marquetry,- Aboriginal woodworking,- Making a 3 legged table,- Off centre turning,- Carving a decoy duck

MB069. The Australian Woodworker – Number 69 (Oct 1996)

Off centre turning,- A period style bed,- Marquetry techniques and borders,- Aboriginal woodworking part 2,- Woodcarving tools,- Using a thicknesser and planer Part 2,- Carved salad bowls sets

MB070. The Australian Woodworker – Number 70 (Dec 1996)

Giant road train part 1,- Making a cheval mirror,- Working in the woods of Tasmania,- Making a carved table,- Turning wood with a crystal insert.- Carving a flower box

MB071. The Australian Woodworker – Number 71 (Feb 1997)

Ornamental turning,- Making pens,- Colonial dwarf long case clock,- Making a wooden ball race,- Giant road train part 2,- Lathe modifications that worked,- Planning to make a clock,- Carving a tri falcon shield

MB072. The Australian Woodworker – Number 72 (Apr 1997)

Bit storage cabinet,- Controlling dust,- Designing a chair,- Scroll saw projects,- Making a standard lamp without a lathe,- Carving a heron table

MB073. The Australian Woodworker – Number 73 (Jun 1997)

Making an hourglass,- From burl to bowl,- Restore old chairs,- Making an electric guitar,- Carving a piggy box,- A duplicator for your lathe part 1

MB074. The Australian Woodworker – Number 74 (Jul 1997)

Making a regency toilet mirror,- Bandsaws,- Cable profile sander,- Super jaws as a woodcarving centre,- Making a whee,- Arbortech mini carver,- Make your own chisels,- A duplicator for your lathe part2,- Cantilever wine bottle holder,- Carving bowls from mallee roots

MB075. The Australian Woodworker – Number 75 (Oct 1997)

Making a curved leg coffee table,- More about making pens,- Joining timber,- Another way to cut trenches,- O’Donnell grinding jig,- Turning boards into bowls,- Oval bowls,- Dovetail jigs need not be tricky,- Deep hollowing tools,- Making a model 1910 Renault motor bus

MB076. The Australian Woodworker – Number 76 (Dec 1997)

Finishing the curved leg table,- First steps in ornamental turning,- Turning with less,- variable speed can transform your lathe,- Mastering the hexagon,- Working with Australian hardwoods part 1,- Gifkins dovetail jig,-

MB077. The Australian Woodworker – Number 77 (Feb 1998)

The facts on wax,- A home made marvel,- Making an accurate indexing wheel,- Picture framing,- A wooden sundial,- A woodturners emergency lamp,- Wood working glues,- Working with Australian hardwoods part 2,- Kreg jig & rocket pocket hole boring systems,- Cutting plugs and circles on the scroll saw

MB078. The Australian Woodworker – Number 78 (Apr 1998)

Choosing a saw blade,- Jigs for pens,- The wollemi pine,- 10 points in choosing a lathe,- Marquetry backgammon box,- Carving a wallaby on a box,- Making furniture from red gum,- A turners tool caddy,-

MB079. The Australian Woodworker – Number 79 (Jun 1998)

Woodturning tips cutting with the grain,- Seasoning timber,- Insuring your workshop,- Carved mirror,- Carving penguins,- Working with Australian hardwoods part 3

MB080. The Australian Woodworker – Number 80 (Aug 1998)

Making a tall boy,- Picking timber to carve,- Making a 3.5 m sportsman creek skiff part 1,- Carving Neptune out of blue gum,- Carving a Dorrigo trout,- Perfect mitre joints,- Woodturning tips ,- Realistic hair in marquetry,- Curved mouldings

MB081. The Australian Woodworker – Number 81 (Oct 1998)

Woodturning tips stance & tool grip,- Making a 3.5 m sportsman creek skiff part 2,- Joining picture frames without nails,- Whirligig, a pair of paddlers,- Making a document box,- Working with Australian hardwoods part 6

MB082. The Australian Woodworker – Number 82 (Dec 1998)

Scobie dinning chair,- Making a tenoning jig,- Expand your lathe,- Make jewellery ball,- Woodturning basics turning between centres,- Surf board coffee table,- Wooden wind chimes,- A rhombus for your ricotta,- The ossie multi jig,- Working with Australian hardwoods part 7

MB083. The Australian Woodworker – Number 83 (Feb 1999)

Sculptures with chainsaws,- Make a 4wd to tow the horse float,- Making a thread chaser,- Make a Hi-Fi unit,- Woodturning tips continue,- Make a wooden whistle,- Make a wooden lathe part 1,- Make a manx frog bowl,- Working with Australian hardwoods part 8

MB084. The Australian Woodworker – Number 84 (Apr 1999)

Turning a lamp,-  Making wheels on a bandsaw,- Woodturning tips continue,- Elliptical router jig,-Make a wooden lathe part 1- Making a stowage coffee table,- Custom made metal door handles,- Working with Australian hardwoods part 9,- Carving a duck family 

MB085. The Australian Woodworker – Number 85 (Jun 1999)

Box making with triton,-  Make a wall unit part 1,-Make a truck train & a boat,- Make a chamfer plane,- Woodturning tips continue,- Make a cylinder clock on the lathe,- Carving the human torso,- Working with Australian hardwoods part 10

MB086. The Australian Woodworker – Number 86 (Aug 1999)

Choosing and using router bits,- Working with Australian hardwoods part 11,- Make a wall unit part 2,- A vertical vice,- Portable stowage towel rack,- Backgammon and chess games table,- Carving a censored bull,- Push sticks

MB087. The Australian Woodworker – Number 87 (Oct 1999)

Sharpening chisels,- Common timber names cross-reference,- Furniture from old fences,- Woodworking with kids,- Make a blanket box,-  Working with Australian hardwoods part 12,- Woodturning tips continue detail turning with a gouge part 1,- Occasional table from scavenged cedar,- Power carving a burl bowl

MB088. The Australian Woodworker – Number 88 (Dec 1999)

Woodturning tips continue detail turning with a gouge part 2,- Transferring Timber pallets into furniture art,- Working with Australian hardwoods part 13,- Japanese spinning tops,- Demonstrators tool trolley,- Make a office desk part 1,- Turning a tea set

MB089. The Australian Woodworker – Number 89 (Feb 2000)

Maintaining a hand saw,- Woodturning tips continue detail turning with a gouge part 2,- Working with Australian hardwoods part 13,- A spun Spurtle,- ,- Make a office desk part 2,- Australian spinning tops,- Carving drawer handles,- Carving a bilby,- Fold away bench

MB090. The Australian Woodworker – Number 90 (Apr 2000)

Detail turning with a gauge,- Drawer stops,- Turning Banksia nuts,-Selecting hand saws,- Working with Australian hardwoods,- Arm chair design and construction,- Jig saw bench,- Carving a boat part 1,- A revolving bookcase,- Home made handy tools

MB091. The Australian Woodworker – Number 91 (Jun 2000)

Woodturning tips small gouge size flute design,- Photographing your woodwork,- Finishing furniture,- Woodturners finishes,- A platypus plate,- Make doll rattles on a lathe,- Making a bed

MB092. The Australian Woodworker – Number 92 (Aug 2000)

Woodturning tips,- Pyrography tools,- Make your own solar kiln,- A bed side table,- Make a tiny vase,- Messing about in boats part 2,- Laminated red gum bowl,- Wooden chopper toy,- Jarrah chopping block,- Duel function extension table

MB093. The Australian Woodworker – Number 93 (Oct 2000)

Wood turning tips,- Combination thicknesser/planers,- Bed side table part 2,- Lace bobbin Collet chuck,- Carving abstract human forms,- Dressing/bathroom stool using a router,- Carving boat figureheads Neptune and a mermaid

MB094. The Australian Woodworker – Number 94 (Dec 2000)

Japanese woodturning,- Transforming hardwood sleepers into a cot,- Making a book unit,- Router practice makes perfect,- Housing jigs,- Carving a walking stick,- Spindle turned watering spout,- Straight forwarded curved boxes           

MB095. The Australian Woodworker – Number 95 (Feb 2001)

Using arbortech finishing kit,- Home made dust mask design,- Know your machine,- Using photographs to produce drawings for carving,- making a nest of tables,- Simpler tenoning jig,- Calabash bowl,- Threading made easy

MB096. The Australian Woodworker – Number 96 (Apr 2001)

Wood turning tips sheer scraping,- Chain saw cutting safety,- Making a contemporary cheval mirror,- Mastering the grid,- Bowl carving jig,- Baby’s rocking cradle,- Goblet ring stand

MB097. The Australian Woodworker – Number 97 (Jun 2001)

Makita random orbit sander BO6040 & BO6030,- A thickness sander,-Treasure chest between a blanket box and a document box,- Jigs for laminating timber,- Woodturning techniques Bicker with feather joint,- Clock work innovation,- Designing and making chairs

MB098. The Australian Woodworker – Number 98 (Aug 2001)

User report Triton RTA300 Router table,- Methods of joining and cutting timber straight and accurately,- James Craig Shipwrights craft alive,- Carving Australian timbers,- Dragonfly sander from WASP,- Wine rack plan,- Lathe tool faceplate ,spacer and cutting tools,- Turning a western hat,- Spiral bowls and socket trimming tools        

MB099. The Australian Woodworker – Number 99 (Oct 2001)

Mah Jong Holders,- No-stop salt & pepper shaker,- Bandsaw circle cutting jig,- Vacuum press fir under $100,- Quilt or Towel rack,- Upgrade your carving skills,- Coving on the circular saw,- Oval and Decorative Turning using a standard lathe,- Kreg Jig K2000,- Makita 3901 Plate Joiner

MB100. The Australian Woodworker– Number 100 (Dec 2001)

The compass plane,- The centreprise circles on a bandsaw,- Water blasting burls,- Hardwood fielding plane,- Drawer planing Jig,- Making a rocking chair part 1,- Carving an echidna,- Making a meaty mallet,- Turning timber lids for jars

MB101. The Australian Woodworker – Number 101 (Feb 2001)

Fine box making,- Stick furniture joint work,- Baby change table,- Upholstering a chair,- Turning with Video heads (lathe jaws securing plates),- Frilled dragon cameo carving,- Federation timber gate,- Making a rocking chair part 2,- Boxes with run-around grain

MB102. The Australian Woodworker – Number 102 (Apr 2002)

Technical Sketching,- Saw Safety,- Turn, Boil & Bend Slender Flowers,- Mini Sound System Cabinet,- Homemade Router table,- Carving a Wolf in 3D,- Box for storing skeins of threads,- Wooden clock design Basic problems of materials and jointing Part 6

MB103. The Australian Woodworker – Number 103 (Jun2002)

Precision Router Joinery Jig,- Technical Sketching part 2,- Stylish Crystal cabinet,- router table fences,- Goblet design Convert logs to planks,- Triton Finger Jointer,- Gifkins Hand Cut Dovetail Templates,- full size Harley Davidson wooden bike

MB104. The Australian Woodworker – Number 104 (Aug2002)

The new Teknatool DVR Lathe,- Produce Panels from boards,- Galloway planes,- Australian made waxes and polishes test,- Cloudmaker Vac Sac laminating and bending curved slats,- 10 Misbegotten Commandments of Woodturning,- Woodturning tips,- SMF 2000 Sander/Microfinisher,- Making a Wall Cabinet,- Technical Sketching part 3,- Scroll Saw some simple Doll’s house furniture,- Mushroom Magic use of off cuts around the home,- turning uniquely decorated bowls

MB105. The Australian Woodworker – Number 105 (Sep 2002)

Makita jig saws model 4340FCT & 4341FCT,- Block plane kit,- How to dry your timber,- Bandsaw modifications,- Technical sketching part 4,- Banksia serrata boxes,- Turning simple dolls,- Cutting inside deep bowls

MB106. The Australian Woodworker – Number 106 (Dec 2002)

Japanese tools on show,- Carving a bishop’s crook,- Glues and gluing,- Scrollsaws versatile and addictive machines part 1,- Air filtration Jet 1000B,- Turned Christmas trees,- Making a small drawer cabinet utilising isoloc joints,- Drill presses,- Turning legs for a dressing table,- Woodturning tips,- Technical sketching part 5,- Carving a cat

MB107. The Australian Woodworker – Number 107 (Feb 2003)

Woodcarving you can do it,- Cramping can be effective,- Choosing Japanese tools for your workshop,- Kids in the workshop,- Machined figurine,- Buying your first scrollsaw,- Turning a wine cooler,- Carving calligraphy (letters),- Make your own rose engine part 1,- Curved front table part 2,- Technical sketching part 6,- Woodturning tips,- Hand made replacement parts

MB108. The Australian Woodworker – Number108 (Apr2003)

Choosing Japanese tools for your workshop,- Setting up your scroll saw,- Re Using pallets design and manufacture,- Woodturning tips,- Lathe Survey,- User report: Vac clamp,- User report: Dyco Woodworker machine,- Ornament wall telephone 1940 Part 1,- Manufacture a mini bar,- Boat building with plywood,- The roes engine part 2,- Carving a dragon,- Technical sketching Part 7,- Combined Marquetry, Laminating and Woodturning

MB109. The Australian Woodworker – Number 109 (Jun2003)

The wonderful world of woodturning,- Woodturning tips,- Make your own minibar,- Wind-up merry-ground,- Aid to accurate drilling,- Wall telephone,- Mini clock,- Rosewood mirror

MB110. The Australian Woodworker – Number 110 (Aug 2003)

Pyrography – drawing with fire,- Single handed turning,- The tidy table,- Apple boxes,- Woodturning tips

MB111. The Australian Woodworker – Number 111 (Oct 2003)

Sell your woodwork in a gallery,- Setting up a workshop,- Fine tuning a hand plane,- Making and carving fire bellows,- Box and Rack tool holder,- Making a sculpture stand,- Rose engine part 3,- Turning a finial

MB112. The Australian Woodworker – Number 112

MB113. The Australian Woodworker – Number 113 (Feb 2004)

Power carving,- Egg projects,- Ancient Egyptian boat building,- P&N Tools,- Woodturning tips,- Arno Sharpener and burnisher,- Vermec hollowing chisel set,- Build a display unit,- Vintage car scroll saw project,- Mallards in flight (Pyrography),- Make your carvings look alive,- Making a standard lamp,- Making a marine propeller,- Speed carving the easy and safe way,- Precision table saw Tenoning making

MB114. The Australian Woodworker – Number 114 (Apr 2004)

Dust extraction,- Plywood ducts for dust extraction,- Torso carving,- Ancient Egyptian woodworking,- Woodcut Tru-Grind tool sharpening system,- Turning a replicated wine goblet,- Turn a rustic urn from peppercorn tree,- Pivoting jaw to suit the triton superjaws,- Bevel cutting on the scroll saw,- Router attachment for the lathe,- Turning a segmented lamp base,- Rattles (baby)

MB115. The Australian Woodworker – Number 115 (Jun 2004)

Diverse woodturning tools,- The ubiquitous Adze,- Wood turning tools what to use and how to sharpen,- Choosing the right joint,- Wood turning how to cut shoulders,- Cutting multiple layers with a scroll saw,- Grip Tite guide,- Jet JBOS-5 Oscillating spindle sander,- Nobex Octo squares,- Make a treasure chest,- Make a dolls’ house chair,- Pyrography lighthouse on rocks,- Make a simple Lissajous figure,- Mitreing the frame for a small box,- Designing and building a timber Geodesic cubby house

MB116. The Australian Woodworker – Number 116 (Aug 2004)

The World’s oldest staircase,- Sourcing usable timber,- The Adze in use,- Cynthia doll’s house and restored trunk,- The ABC of power tools drills,- Rescued and restored timber,- Surcare hobby sanding machine,- Turning a bowl from Mesquite,- Hexagonal table top,- Carving Koala Huon pine boxes,- Tuning your bandsaw,- A fold away bench and seat for carving,- Making sanding discs and sanding turned items

MB117. The Australian Woodworker – Number 117 (Sep/Oct 2004)

Shopping for a bandsaw,- Bandsaw survey,- Ancient Egyptian lathe,- Equipment for the ultimate workshop 4,- The ABC of power tools drills part 2,- Performax 10-20 drum sander report,- 3d drawing board,-Drum sanders for scrollsaw work,- Woodturning tips,-A polygonal bowl with legs,- Carving Koala Huon pine boxes part 2Custom made cyclone used to upgrade mobile dust extractor

MB118. The Australian Woodworker – Number 118 (Nov/Dec 2004)

Woodworking Safety equipment,- Building a Wright Bros model plane,- Equipment for the ultimate workshop 5,-DMT Duosharp diamond sharpener,- The ABC of power tools drills part 3 Portable Sanders from attachments to random Orbital,- Digital camera in the workshop ,-Felder CF741 Combination Machine,- Selleys aquadhere range,- Making a letter knife,- Cutting dovetails by hand,- Five chairs for posterity 2 back for a seat,- Working a drawknife,- Turn a Matthew Flinders chess set,- Inlay work with a scrollsaw

MB119. The Australian Woodworker – Number 119 (Jan/Feb 2005)

Bending timber,- A guide to purchasing a router,- Getting more from rechargeable batteries,- The ABC of power tools part 4,- Ancient Egyptian Adze,- Equipment for the workshop 6,- Making shaping and sanding a little easier,- Solar kilns,- Five chairs for posterity 3,- 36 Drawer cabinet,- Carving feathers,- Turning little jewellery dishes,- Inverted belt sanders,- Scrollsaw modifications for plain blades

MB120. The Australian Woodworker – Number 120 (Jan/Feb 2005)

Manufacturing wooden pens,- Accessories for your table saw Dado blades, Veritis poly gauge Wooden boat centre of Tasmania,- The ABC of power tools part 5,- Wooden sculptures by using a chain saw,- Making an accurate template for a cyclone,- Repairing a cedar table,- Improving hand planes,- Non turned standard lamp,- Carving wooden frames for gemstones and photographs,- A wooden scroll saw,- Turning a hollow wooden tennis ball,- Modifications to a basic lathe,- Surface texturing part 1

MB121. The Australian Woodworker – Number 121 (May/Jun 2005)

Kevin Banting carving wooden faces,- User report Easy riser drill table conversion kit,- User report Vermec ultimate deep hollowing set,- User report Xtreme xtension router bit holder,- Surface texturing part 2,- Turning a candlestick with a difference,- Hi-Fi tower part 1,- Wood carving La Maja,- Scroll swirl pot stand,- Aluminium & hot melt glue combination,- Long hole boring

MB122. The Australian Woodworker – Number 122 (Jul/Aug 2005)

Specialised cabinet making drills – Home grown inventions 1985-2005,- Making musical instruments,- Triton Respirator,- Woodturning tips A lid for a vessel,- HiFi  Tower part 2,- Making chairs that work,- Easter Island statue,- Using your router to cut circular blanks,- Surface texturing part 3,- Turning lidded boxes,- Modern wall clock,- Spiral blades for scrollsaw,- Turning a round square edge bowl

MB123. The Australian Woodworker – Number 123(Sep/Oct2005)

Cabinet/box hardware for woodworkers,- Genies de la Mer French naval sculpture,- Hycut Hollowing tool.- Bosch PRIO Lithium ion sander,- Woodturning tips tall-stem lidded box,- HiFi  Tower part 3,- Making chairs that work part 2,- The pegged & drawn mortice & tenon joint,- Ye Olde English stool,- Long hole boring on a budget,- Turning with wet seasoned timber,- Cross-cut table saw sled,- ,- Surface texturing part 4

MB124. The Australian Woodworker – Number 124 (Nov/Dec 2005)

Replica of Spirit of flight Wright brothers plane,- Choosing a sander,- Introducing kids to woodwork,- Snappy Gum desert timber,- Wooden clock movements,- Neptune’s guitars making and repairing,- Turning multiple bowls from a single blank,- Pedestal drill accessory,- Turning a Christmas angel,- Turning a donut teapot,- Mitre clamping revisited,- Making a three legged stool,- Carving koalas,- Blackwood CD storage cabinet,- Turning a chess set,- Turning a Laminated potpourri vessel,- Simple saw bench dust extractor,- Aging your finishes

MB125. The Australian Woodworker – Number 125 (Jan/Feb 2006)

Chris Woolcock master rocking horse maker,- Holding the work on the lathe,- Woodworking with children 3-5 year olds,- Furniture in the future,- Learning to carve,- Eliminating the bowl catch,- Carving spokes by Royal Gold Coach Britannia,- User report on Zinsser spray shellac,- Turning a needle box,- Making a carved seat bar stool,- Carving Wozza the wombat,- Making a mountain Dulcimer,- Making chairs that work (3),- How to carve the Klinging Koalas,- Scroll sawn Kookaburra

MB126. The Australian Woodworker – Number 126 (Mar/Apr2006)

Precision and control in the art of woodturning,- Thicknessers small and large,- Exercise boards for rehab work,- Woodworking with children 6-12 year olds, Musings at the scrollsaw,- User report blow fly, weldbond adhesives,- Scaling down projects,- Carving Wonda and Weenie,- Lyre music stand,- Box lids with scrollsawn names,- Turning an offset stem goblet,- Colour matching with padding,- Turning a certificate holder,- Chip carving,- Scroll-sawn goat

MB127. The Australian Woodworker – Number 127 (May/Jun 2006)

Neil Scobie career,- Different finishes for different results,- Precision Box Joint jig for the table saw,- Turning the reduced reversible candleholder part 1,- Build your own pool table,- Wipe on oil finishes,- A skeleton in the clock case,- How to carve rope,- The girl in the mirror,- Lap top lap desk,- A ship’s wheel for a cubby

MB128. The Australian Woodworker – Number 128 (Jul/Aug 2006)

Festool Domino Dowel Joiner DF 500 user report,- Commercial Jigs,- CNC for the hobbyist,- Irwin Quick Grip XP clamps,- Woodworking for the sea going church,- Tina’s tool holder,- Scalloping the reduced reversible candleholder part 2,- Turned Wooden trivets,- Arts & crafts book rack,- Drilling jig with auto centreing,- Portable woodworkers workshop,- Building a Woodstrip Canoe,- Stainless Steel with a touch of wood,- Make a mini Studio,- Easy to build a mini studio

MB129. The Australian Woodworker – Number 129 (Sep/Oct 2006)

Profile Roger Gifkins,- Profile Robert Lavender,- Microlene MC 3000 report,- User report Mini Max C26,- Surface Texturing part 5,- Modifications for your scrollsaw,-How to make the obedient ball,- Taper cutting jigs for a bandsaw,- Blanket box with carved till,- User report Veezy framing kit,- User report Razertip SK Detail Pyrography unit,- Lighting for the mini studio

MB130. The Australian Woodworker – Number 130 (Nov/Dec 2006)

Jonathon Knowles Clock people,- Cordless Circular saw,- User Report Glass Coat Epoxy Finish,- Carvers of Sagar,- Sandalwood in Australia,-Gavel and Striking plate,- Stop/Start your machines,- Electronic Dinner bell,- Heritage Photo frames,- French Knitting mushroom,- Carved medal display,- The Celtic knot,- End grain coping jig for the router table,- Old rust removal method,-The Scroll sawn Panda,- The printer’s friend

MB131. The Australian Woodworker – Number 131 (Jan/Feb 2007)

User Report Gifkins Finger Joint Jig,- Triton Owners Club Oyster Bay competition,- User Report Magswitch feather boards,- Four workshop aids,- Carving  a Hero,- Double Spiral Chinese Lamp,- Fruit and Veggie Cabinet,- Turning Bone,- Candlestick with natural edge,- Japanese Garden bridge part 1,- Penny at he mirror,- Butcher, Baker and Candlestick maker part 1,- Rescuing turned items,- Novelty Frog Clip,- Making a Viola

MB132. The Australian Woodworker – Number 132 (Mar/Apr 2007)

Keep Your Tools Sharp,- The giant mushroom project,- User Report Sue Walters’ Pyrography Projects Kits,- The Art and Craft of Inlay,- Making a simple woodlathe,- Bookworm Books-ends part 1,- A sightly decorated side table,- Butcher, Baker and Candlestick maker part 2,- Scrollsawn Australian – 1,- Whimsical Home Sweet Home Sign,- Build an Antique Gramophone

MB133. The Australian Woodworker – Number 132 (May/Jun 2007)

Sanding Secrets abrasive selection,- Teknatool Nova 1624-44 lathe,- Jet 18” bandsaw,- CD cabinet,- Left turning wood,- Pyrography Possum,- Kitchen Spice holder,- Bookworm book ends part 2,- Turned opal inlay,- Stretching your lathe,- ,- Japanese Garden bridge part 2 The tea house,- Letter openers,- Build an Antique Gramophone part 2

MB134. The Australian Woodworker – Number 134 (Jul/Aug 2007)

Commercial made work benches,- Rotomount Carving stand,- Titanium coated Forstner Bits,-Slick Saw overlays,- Classic Clockcase styles,- Carving workshop in a suitcase,- Zinsser quick 15 varnishes,- Shaping a grinding wheel to make a beading tool,- Pierced carving in red cedar,- Low cost vortex chip separator,- Monochrome shells,- The grandmother clock,- Cutting board rack for the kitchen,- Bling box,- Salt cellar spoon,- Scrollsawn Australian –2,- Grand Piano for an electronic keyboard

MB135. The Australian Woodworker – Number 135 (Sep/Oct 2007)

Cutting Australian hardwoods on small bandsaws,- Carving knives, chisels, and gouges,- Australian Wildlife Heritage Chess set,- Woodcut bowl gouge with replaceable tips,- Dust Bee gone mask,- Wizard metal detector wands,- Renrut Sanding block,- Pencilling a bowl,- Making a beading tool,- Using a vermec chuck drive,- Computer caddy,- Laminated guitar stand,- Country Mailbox,- Scrollsawn Australian –3

MB136. The Australian Woodworker – Number 136 (Nov/Dec 2007)

Ratchet Bowl Holder for the Lathe,- Hand Planes,- Tormek T7 Tool Sharpening System,-Woodturning Design,- Fein Multimaster 250Q sander,- Collector’s Cabinet,- Inlaid Key Box,- Pine fruit Bowl with Pewter ring,- Chip carved Hearth stool,- Make your own ultimate router table,- Pyrography Magnolia Flower,- Scrollsawn Sailing ship

MB137. The Australian Woodworker – Number 137 (Jan/Feb 2008)

Carving a Character,- Multi-Axis woodturning,- Felder RL160 Dust Extractor,- A Bowl turned from a flat board,- Collector’s Cabinet part 2,- Platter and Eccentric turned vessel,- Carve animal feet on Egyptian furniture,- Tight tenons on a router table,- Turned cabinet for an old radio,- Ladder safety leg,- Double sided breadboard,- Folding Candelabra,- Scraper Stowage block,- Pyrography boy and dog,- Lathe mounted sharpening aid

MB138. The Australian Woodworker – Number 138 (Mar/Apr 2008)

Saw stop 254 mm cabinet saw,- Festool workshop,- Evolution in tool design,- Scrollsawn keepsake box,- Pendency post,- Coin box,- Pyrography the duck,- Manufacture a tea caddy,- Thrice the vice,- Bear claw salad servers,- A wood turner’s crystal set radio,- Bearing guides for old bandsaws,- Lazy Susan with Garland bread

MB139. The Australian Woodworker – Number 139 (May/Jun 2008)

Massive Burls & Miniature Microcosms,- Shelix Conversion stops tear out,- SketchUP Computer Drawing for Woodworkers,- Turned Bellows,- Admiral Butterfly (Marquetry),- Simple Rules for Successful Proportions,- Medicine or Bathroom Cabinet,- Hotel Lamp,- Octagonal Cabinet,-“ Gone Fishing” Pyrography

MB140. The Australian Woodworker – Number 140 (Sep/Oct 2008)

Sculptor in Wood, Stone and Metal,- Sam Shakouri- Adventures in Segmented Turning,- Festool MFK700 Trimmer/Router,- Cutlery Canteen with Pockets part 1,- Vermec Scroll Chuck,- Razertip Scale Tips (Pyrography),- Turning a Soccer Ball,- Textures and Spirals on turned Work,- Mastering the Technique of making your own dowels,- “Elusive” the Unicorn- Pyrography

MB141. The Australian Woodworker – Number 141 (Sep/Oct 2008)

Salvaging Pine from the wild rivers,- The Snowy River Paddle steamer, Curlip II,- Jet VBS 18MW Metal Wood Bandsaw,- The selection of power tools and machines,- Compress X bar clamp,- The olive scoop,- Cutlery Canteen with Pockets part 2,- Glue chucks for miniature turning,- Multiple zero clearance inserts for your saw bench,- Making birds feet,- Bush furniture,- Halloween carving,- Accenting the grain,- Burnmaster eagle pyrography unit,- Pair of dragonfly urns

MB142. The Australian Woodworker – Number 142 (Nov/Dec 2008)

User report Work Sharp 3000,- User report Veritas Slide Rabbet Plane,- User report Scheppach Deco Flex Scrollsaw,- Plywood Then & Now,- User report The jooltool,- Making a kitchen Island Bench,- An all-wood Lazy Susan,- Money making cutting boards A child’s Latchboard,- Ear Trumpet

MB143. The Australian Woodworker – Number 143 (Jan/Feb 2009)

User report Scheppach 2600ci Planer/Thicknesser,- User report Jet 16-32 Drum sander,- Violin carving,- Sanding tools,- Wood wiz 25 years on,- User report Frontline clamps (2bar clamps),- Turned Rocket,- Telephone table with notepad hatch and secret drawer,- Wooden Wheels,- Lizard lidded bowl,- Wooden egg rack,- Fondue set

MB144. The Australian Woodworker – Number 144 (Mar/Apr 2009)

User report Scheppach bt 900x Linisher.- User report Jet JDP 2800VS drill,- An Entertainment Unit,- Setting up a bandsaw,- Telephone table with notepad hatch and secret drawer part 2,- Turning a salt/Pepper grinder,- Block and Wedge clamps,- Stereograms and Stereoscopes,- Pyrographic scene shed door

MB145. The Australian Woodworker – Number 145 (May/Jun 2009)

User report 21” Excalibur scrollsaw,- Curved beams,- User report Sawstop 254mm contractors saw,- User report Sand-flee 1800 drum sander,- Planning a workshop,- Cantievered turning,- Corner Entertainment Unit,- making wooden flowers from local timbers,- a modern cake stand,- A quick-fix faceplate,- Centering jig for your lathe

MB146. The Australian Woodworker – Number 146 (Jul/Aug 2009)

User report Jet 22-44OSC Drum Sander,- User Report Eze Lap,- Polychromatic Woodturner,- User report FLAI sawblades,- Moulds & Moulding part 1,- Modular Workshop stowage,- Dulcimer Chimes,- Five big bowls,- Lizzie’s buttons,- Pyrographic portrait Coco the dog,- Board preparation for the beginners,- A simple wooden box

MB147. The Australian Woodworker – Number 147 (Sep/OCT 2009)

Exploring beneath the surface of hollow forms,- Wooden gun stocks,- Record plane collection,- Notes on woodturning part 1,- Ernie Blackwell & his carvings,- User report Tormek T-7 model,- A folding screen,- Turning the Earth,- Synchronised Ballerinas,- Rose patterned Bowl,- Bedroom Chest of Drawers part 1.

MB148. The Australian Woodworker – Number 148 (Nov/Dec 2009)

User Report Hafco Wide Drum Sander,-Turning Bowls & Platters for charity,- Notes on woodturning part 2,- User Report – FLAI Mustang Blade,- Making a Rolltop Desk,- Wine Stoppers & Candle Holders,- Building of the Sindia,- Bedroom Chest of drawers part 2.,- A folding Screen part 2,- Moulds & Moulding part 2,- If you can make a box frame, you can make almost anything

MB149. The Australian Woodworker – Number 149 (Jan/Feb 2010)

Making a wooden geared grandfather clock,- User report M-Power Complete Flat Lying Trammel set,- User report Jet JTS-600 Table saw,- Red cedar,- High versatile rare earth magnets,- A didgeridoo stand,- Computer desk tidy,- Carving little animals and insects,- Turning an Orrery,- Easing leather shoes,- Inside- Outside Bud Vase,- Pyrography Purple Iris

MB150. The Australian Woodworker – Number 150 (Mar/Apr 2010)

User Report – CNC Shark,- Carba tec 25 years of growth,- Wood/Metal combinations,- User report- Beall Pen Wizard,- Forest red gum in Victoria,- Notes on Woodturning part 3 Basic woodturning tools,- User report- BMI quicky tape measure,- Recycled chair,- Nesting dolls,- Adjustable music stand,- Holder for half dozen eggs,- Routing a sunburst,- Making a Mortise and Tenon joint

MB151. The Australian Woodworker – Number 151 (May/Jun 2010)

Notes on Woodworking part 4A Types of Skew Chisels,- User Report JET Slow Speed Wet Sharpener,- Making a curved Top Document box part 1,- Carved Netball with dovetails on compound curves,- Turning big heavy Spheres,- Adapting an Old Plane for use with a shooting Board,- Twin egg cup,- Carving a cotton reel  spinning top,- Art’s Chopstick’s box,- Koala Pyrography,- Making Mortise & Tenon joints ( Anatomy of a cut)

MB152. The Australian Woodworker – Number 152 (Jul/Aug 2010)

Notes on Woodworking part 4B smoothing and Shaping with the Skew Chisel,-User report –Making patterns the easy way,- Aust. Recycled timber receives FSC certification,- Selecting the right timber,- Replacing the universal joint on a JET 16-32 Drum Sander,- Stave Bowl construction,- Sharpening countersink bits,- Carving a whale tail,- Zebras (pyrography),- Cotton reel Yo-Yo,- Making your own repetitive pattern inlay,- Carving an eagle,- Making a curved Top Document box part 2,- Mitre jig with adjustable stop,- Split turnings.

MB153. The Australian Woodworker – Number 153 (Sep/Oct 2010)

Turnfest 2010 at sea world,- DIY Woodworking Show Tasmania,- Wild Wood Gallery 2 years on,- User report Sherwood MB-13 thicknesser,- Mentoring New Carvers,- Notes on Woodworking part 4C The Skewart,- A Karmic creation,- A woodturners Christmas tree,- Multi start threads for wooden boxes,- Making a double ended Salt & Pepper mill,- Garden Lantern,- Monochrome Protea wood burn,- Making panels

MB154. The Australian Woodworker – Number 154 (Nov/Dec2010)

Al Stirt one of the original turners,- Collaborative bowl of the 2010 Aust. Woodturning Symposium,- User Report. WoodRiver diamond Grinding wheel,- The Tormek Sharpening System,- Notes on Woodworking part 4D Using the long point of a Skew,- Carving the Courageous Keith Payne VC,- Two jars from one,- User Report, M-Power Perfect Butt Profile Scriber,- Hats off to little carved hats,- Flannel Flowers Wood burning,- Carved Woodman’s stool,- Multi level Chess board,- Some hand tools are essential part -1

MB155. The Australian Woodworker – Number 155 (Jan/Feb 2011)

Turned boxes,- CNC Woodworking with Carba Tec,- User report SOY-Gel,- Jet Machinery Maintenance, – Notes on Woodworking Part 4E using the short point of a Skew,- Hibiscus Dining table,- Working with budget CNC,- Jarrah Entertainment Unit,- Hexagonal Wooden Rubbish bin,- Making a frame by hand,- Applying finishes to pine,- Making an 8 piece segmented ring,- Glider nest box,- An exercise step,- Bracelet assistant and quick drills,- Chess Timer,- The old dodge,- Some hand tools are essential part 2

MB156. The Australian Woodworker – Number 156 (Mar/Apr 2011)

User guide MGS-20 Multi position guide stop,- CNC woodworking with Carba tec,- Wooden train,- User Report FLAI type U Circular saw blade,- User Report rend Airshield pro,- Jet Machinery Maintenance Jointer in out feed tables,- User Report Hare & Forbes PT-300 Planer/Jointer/Thicknesser,- Collectors cabinet,- Improved Tenon jig,- Serviette Box,- Light switches for a standard lamp,- Notes on Woodturning part 4F Turning beads, fillets, and hollows,-Carved Oval Bowls,- Turning Dinosaur Eggs,- Pyrography the Kookaburra,- Ship’s wheel clock,- Workshop aid you can make

MB157. The Australian Woodworker – Number 157 (May/Jun 2011)

User Report Sand-Flee Sanding centre and Attachments,- Notes on woodturning part 5A,- User report Vermec 3 point steady rest,- Four axis turning,- Battery truths and myths,- Jet Machinery Maintenance Planer table adjustment,- European bar table,- CNC Woodworking with Carba Tec,- Money Postbox,- The Ultimate turned soccer ball,- Chest of Boxes,- Three Manual –Powered Lathes,- Pyrography the sand stone church,- Tea candle tray /Riser,- Tea candle table candelabra,- Make a charging Centre

MB158. The Australian Woodworker – Number 158 (Jul/Aug 2011)

Notes on woodturning part 5b Using Scrapers,- Jet Machinery Maintenance Grinding wheel replacement,- Recycled blackbutt furniture,- User report Festool CXS 10.8v Drill/driver,- Confessions of a compulsive toy maker,- Wooden Seat Dinning Chair,- CNC Woodworking with Carba tec,- Homemade Version of the Chinese Erhu,- European Bar table –2,- Gluing an 8 piece segmented ring,- Third generation laminated platter,- Pyrography dragon portrait,- Power tool Ergonomics

MB159. The Australian Woodworker – Number 159 (Sep/Oct 2011)

User Report- Jet JWS 22CS Spindle Shaper,-Jet Machinery <Maintenance MDF templates Drum sanders 10-20 16-32 22-44,- Notes on Woodworking Part 6 Paring Tools,- Files, Rasps, Rifflers,- The Humble Saw Stool,- Woodturners whirligig,- Woodturning with Epoxy Resin,- Christmas Tree Advent Calender,- Bowl Embellishment,- making an Archery Bow

MB160. The Australian Woodworker – Number 160 (Nov/Dec 2011)

India’s Sewn Plank Boats,- User Report MicroJig GRR Ripper Push block system,- Jet Machinery maintenance- replace the rubber tyres on a bandsaw,- Notes on Woodworking Part 7 Gripping the turning tool,- User Review Festool TS55 and guide rail system,- Timber suggestions for your next project,- Dust control,- Working with the Gifkins Jig part 1 A simple Box,- Chuck Gripper Mk11,- Rockin’ Bowl,- CNC woodworking with Carba-Tec,- Make a Bench Mallet,- Extension Dining Table,- Further applications of 8-Piece Rings,-Thinking Outside the Round

MB161. The Australian Woodworker – Number 161 (Jan/Feb 2012)

Harold Manwaring’s Wooden Marvels,- User Report RDG Blade saver kits,- User report Torque Workcentre Universal Machine,- Notes on Woodturning pt. 7 Gripping the turning tool,- User report Panasonic 14.4V Li-ion Cordless Tools,- Building a Gazebo,- Chair Repair,- Magic Puddings,- Laminated Celtic Rolling Pin,- Turning big,- Scoccer Balls, Big and Pyrographic a Kangaroo resting,- Set of Six Dirs,- Make your own Router Table,- Control Your Dust part 2

MB162. The Australian Woodworker – Number 162 (Mar/Apr 2012)

User Review-Paftec Cleanspace Dust Mask,- Notes on Woodturning pt 9 Finishing a square,- Control your dust,- Un-identical twin stools,- Making the wheels for the Emperor’s carriage,- Upholstering Dining chairs,- Beginner project- Compact mirror,- A box in the Shaker Style,- Scrape Wedges,- Butterfly’s Rest,- An alternative method for Mounting a Bowl or Platter,- Finger Jointing Jig

MB163. The Australian Woodworker – Number 163 (May/Jun 2012)

Graeme Plamer tackling almost anything,- Intarsia Master,- Felder Machines enhance Avondale school’s Trade Training Centre,- User review – Woocut Negative Rake Scraper,- User Review- Festool Domino XL,- Un-identical twin stools –part 2,- Beginner Project Desktop Calculator,- pyrography Brown Stag Beetle,- Working with the Gifkins Jig – 2 chest,- Notes on woodworking part 10A – The detail Gouge,- Wooden Pot Plant Containers,- Sharpening Edge Tools

MB164. The Australian Woodworker – Number164 (Jul/Aug 2012)

User report-ProEdge,- Australian wooden Boat festival 2013 Hobart,- Notes on Woodworking part 10B,- Using a Detail Gauge,- User Report-Bosch Sabre Saw,- Honing Edge tools,- Wooden Pencil box,- Beginner Project Salt & Pepper shackers (Turning),- Carving a Kookaburra,- Micro turning with a Dremel,- Furniture repairs- dowels in chairs,- A simple Lathe accessory (dremel on a standwith a lathe to make a tread on wheels,- Make a workbench tail vice-1,- The Australian Pelican

MB165. The Australian Woodworker – Number 165 (Sep/Oct 2012)

Gabbett Machinery,- New Sand-Flee for Australia,- Intech 2012 Schools students at WWS,- User Report – Festool TS 55 System,- User Report – Ford Ranger Diesel ute,- Getting to know your bandsaw,- Beginner Project = Stacking Coasters,- New Old Tool Chest,- Seed pot Moulding Tools,- Notes on Woodworking part 11A,- Turning a Coffee Table Leg using traditional techniques,- Machining Moulding for clocks,- Rustic Chooks Breadboard,- Make a workbench tail vice-2

MB166. The Australian Woodworker – Number 166 (Nov/Dec 2012)

Woodcraft Guild ACT 30th Exhibition,- User Report- SOVIS Speed Controller,- Notes on Woodturning part 11A –Turning a Coffee Table Leg using modified turning techniques,- The Versatile bandsaw,- Beginner project – Cheese &Cracker Platter,- Turning Tagua Nut,- A rectangular box that isn’t,- Turned & Carved Kangaroo Flower pot,- Segmented Top Hall Table,- Flaming Pine,- The Devil’s Marbles,- Turning Spillicans from Offcuts Woodworking with Gifkins Jig 3 Laminated Jewellery Box

MB167. The Australian Woodworker – Number 167 (Jan/Feb 2013)

User report- Robert Sorby Micro Turning Tools,- Notes on Woodturning part 12 Turning a job using a steady rest,- User report- Sutton Tools four fluted auger bits,- Making Scroll sawn Clocks,- Dovetail and log cutting Bandsaw,- St Therese of Lisieux,- Pocket Screw joints,- Upholstered footstool and sewing box,- Rotating bookcase,- Ye Olde Treasure Chest,- Making a Camera Obscura,- Beginning Project #6 Cheese Knife,- Wall hung Corner cupboard,- Folding Candleholder

MB168. The Australian Woodworker – Number 168 (Mar/Apr 2013)

User Report SM20 Dremel Saw Max,- George 111 Mantle Clock,- Making a skateboard,- Making Finger-joints on a tablesaw,- Notes on Woodturning part.13A turning a Bun Foot from Dressed timber,- Carving a heart necklace,- Portrait of a draught horse,- Bespoke turning stool,- Lattice Laundry basket,- The swallow Pot-Pourri pot,- Ye Olde treasure chest -2,- Beginner project #7 Confectionery or Nut bowl

MB169. The Australian Woodworker – Number 169 (May/Jun 2013)

Wood working projects for juniors Australian scout jamboree 2013,- Vale Barry Black 1928-2013,- Impossible Joints,- A blues guitar,- Making a skateboard,- Beginner project #8Round box with a hinged lid,- Between the lines making the transition from line work to detailed image,- Burning timber more options for pyrography,- Notes on wood turning pt 13B turning a bun foot from sawn timber,- Turning faux bamboo,- Turning bone on a lathe,- Working with the Gifkins Jig pt 4 Pagoda box,- Coping with mistakes and mishaps

MB170. The Australian Woodworker – Number 170 (Jul/Aug 2013)

Woodworking with Geoff Hannah and Laurens Otto,- User report- Tormek SVH 320 planer & jointer blade jig,- Record Power returns to Aust.,- Woodturning Lathe survey 2013,- Learning to carve Thai Style,- User Report- Mortise pal Loose Tenon jig &templates,- Making Chessboards,- Planer & Thicknesser secrets,- Notes on wood turning Pt. 14- Hollowing          end grain,- Cutting segments on a table saw,- Beginner project #9 Combination Salt Shaker & Pepper Grinder,- Woodcarving by numbers Pt1six basic techniques,- Getting the best out of your tablesaw

MB171. The Australian Woodworker – Number 171 (Sep/Oct 2013)

Harold Manwarning’s Traction Engine,- Joey Richardson – Turned wood art,- User Report – Marcus Art water based shellac,- User Report – FLAI U&Z Saw Blades,- Edward Hill furniture company,- Working with the Gifkins Jig – part 5 Sewing or hobby box,- Beginner Project #10 3½ Minute Egg Timer,- Notes on Woodturning Pt. 15A Turning a Goblet – Preparation,- Woodcarving by numbers Pt.2 Sharpening Carving Tools,- Decorating Turning with Metal Spinning,- The Fruit Platter,- Mastering a Rustic Mortice & Tenon Joint,-  Getting the best out of your tablesaw – 2

MB172. The Australian Woodworker – Number 172 (Nov/Dec 2013)

Bandsaw Survey 2013,- Carved turnings,- User Report Arbortech TURBOplane,- A Black Wattle Ladder at the Chelsea Flower Show,- Restoration of a Horse drawn Sulky Seat,- User Report – Perma-Grit Flexible Strips,- Hit & Miss Engine,- Market Wares 1 Christine’s Trivet,- Bone Turning,- Decorative Towel Rail,-Beginner Project #11 Table or Mantel Clock,- Dowel Joints – Joint Design,- Pyrography – Little Swamp Critter,- Woodcarving by Numbers Pt.3 Flat Carving,- Kids Clocks,-  Notes on Woodturning Pt. 15B Turning a Goblet,-  Getting the best out of your tablesaw – 3

MB173. The Australian Woodworker – Number 173 (Jan/Feb 2014)

Restoring the shape of a waterstone,- Geared wooden clocks with a coil driven pendulum,- User Report Arbortech Mini Turbo,- Jason Beach’s boxes,- The Stanley 72 Chamfer plane,- Market Wares drink coasters,- A segmented Vase from a different angle,- Dowel Joints, Workshop made dowel jigs,- Pyrography Bear at the zoo,- Getting the best out of your tablesaw,- Wood carving by numbers Pt.14 Guilloche,- Notes on Woodturning Pt;16A Turning a platter from dressed timber,- Beginner project #12 Desktop Organiser

MB174. The Australian Woodworker – Number 174 (Mar/Apr 2014)

User report, AEG 18V Multi Function Tool,- Making a Mandola,- Installing a Spiral Cutter Block in a PT-300 Planer/Thicknesser,- Getting the best out of Your Tablesaw part 5,- Market Wares -3 The Trug,- Dowel Joints – 3 shop made dowel sizer,- A Cantilevered cake stand,- Magical Wooden bottle,= Beginner project #13 Weather Station,- Woodcarving by numbers Pt 5 – Tudor Rose,- Notes on Woodturning Pt.16B Turning a Cheese Platter from Sawn Timber,- Pyrography The Corella

MB175. The Australian Woodworker – Number 175 (May/Jun 2014)

User Report-Laguna 14 twelve 14”Bandsaw,- Red Cedar Red gold,- User Report –Feast Watson Sanding sealer,- User Report- SawStop Professional 10” table saw,- Creating a wooden bike frame,- Market Wares – 3 Tube Squeezer and tea-light lightboats,- Orchid Fall,- Woodcarving by numbers Pt.6 Letter carving,- Magical Wooden Egg,- Notes on Woodturning Pt 17A Making the stem of a table lamp,- Bandsawn Boxed Candlestick,- Beginner Project #14 Coffee Pod Carousel

MB176. The Australian Woodworker – Number 176 (Jul/Aug 2014)

Ken Newton’s Twisted Turnings,- User Report: Feast Watson Crackle Lacquer,- User Report: Arbortech Random Contour Sander,- User Report: Hammer A326 Planer/Thicknesser,- Drills and Drilling,- Woodturning Demonstration and Teaching Anecdotes,- Pie Maker’s Tools,- Market Wares – 4 The Gee Haw Whimmy Diddle,- Hat Stretcher,- Before you say yes,- Woodcarving by numbers Pt.7 Acanthus Leaves and Flowers,- Carving an Owl,- Six Science Fiction Miniatures,- Notes on Woodturning Pt.17B Turning a :amp Base with Feet,- Beginner project #15 Tall Vase

MB177. The Australian Woodworker – Number 177 (Sep/Oct 2014)

User Report Feast Watson Floorclear,- User Report Bosch PRR250 ES Sanding roller,- User Report Hammer N3800 Bandsaw,- Flat top Treasure Chest,- Market Wares – 5 Letter openers/paper knives,- Phenakistoscope,- Hardwood Salad Servers,- Woodcarving by numbers Pt.8 The Barley twist,- Notes on Woodturning Pt.18 Turning a Gavel and Sound Block,- Horse Spirit Drum,- Dowel Boring Machine,- Beginner project #16 Tall Burl Vase

MB178. The Australian Woodworker – Number 178 (Nov/Dec 2014)

Router Survey (7 brands )An Unconventional Lathe,- User report Mitre Maker Pro and Spline jigs,- Choosing a wood finish (Shellac, linseed iol, tung oil, resin, varnish),- Market Wares-6 Boot puller,- Beginner project #17A Natural Edge Winged Burl Bowl,- Carved Walking Stick Handle Repair,- Making Christmas Tree Decorations with a scroll saw,- Notes on Woodturning Pt 19 Turning a Wooden Bangle,- Pyrography Possum,- Captive Rings,- Repairing a Spinning wheel

MB179. The Australian Woodworker – Number 179 (Feb 2015)

Router Accessories,- Lost Trades Fair,- Surfboard classes,- User Report – Diablo and Diablo Demo – Demon Circular saw blades,- Choosing a Finish -2,- Projects with Gifkin Jig #6 the crossbox,- Making a walking stick,- Kokeshi dolls,- Market Wares – 7 little boxes,- Woodcarving by numbers Pt9 _Patera,- Notes on Woodturning Pt20 –Turning Serviette Rings,- Rubin Vase,- Beginner Project #18B Natural Edge Winged Burl Bowl,- Southern BooBooK Owl

MB180. The Australian Woodworker – Number 180 (Mar/Apr 2015)

Arbortech Contour Sander Giveaway,- Router tables (integrated motors, conventional router tables, horizontal router table, custom router tables accessories and CNC routers) User report- Bosch GST 10.8 V Li-Ion Jigsaw,- Big Cabinet (900 CD),- Cutting smooth Circular Grooves,- Clamp on Wheels for large panels,- Market Wares – 8 Market Magic,- The Milking Stool,- Segmented Salad Bowl with a Floating Base,- Woodcarving bt numbers Pt 10 Simple Carved Edge Decoratio forWoodturning,- Simple small picture frames Bookstand with tilting mechanism,- Wild Mushroom Fairy,- Notes on Woodturning Pt 21 –Turning a Stand for Serviette Rings

MB181. The Australian Woodworker – Number 181 (May/Jun 2015)

Chairs that move,- Turnscrews (screwdrivers),- Cow Clogs,- Magical Vanishing Ball,- Market Wares- 9 Simple clothes hoist,- Woodcarving by numbersPt11 a Lunette,- Working with the Gifkins Jig – Pt 7 The HexiBox,- Notes on Woodturning Pt 22 – Turning a Baluster,- Sewing Tape Dispenser Case,- Big Cabinet- Small Workshop(2),- Paling Fencepost Candlestick,- Japanese art of Ikebana,- Pyrography Too Many Chips by the Sea

MB182. The Australian Woodworker – Number 182 (Jul/Aug 2015)

1/4 Scale MG TC Sports Convertible in Wood,- User Report – Retrofitted Spiral Cutter in a Makita planer,- User Report – Bosch PBD 40 Bench Top Drill Press,- Importance of being Sharp,- Baghdad Battery,- Market Wares: – 10 Glasses holder,- Wood carving by numbers, Pt. 12 – Corbels,- Elizabethan II Dresser,- Noters on Woodturning Pt. 23 – Turning a ball on a post,- Bob’s Unusal pens – Liquidamber seed pod pens,- Turning a Large striped platter,- An American Banjo Clock with a Woden Movement,- Copper Scales

MB183. The Australian Woodworker – Number 183 (Sep/Oct 2015)

Trend UK celebrates 60 years,- Restored hand planes,- User report Arbortech TURBOshaft,- Learning about routers part 1,- Horizontal Drilling Machine,- Bench seats,- Market wares – 11 Cutting boards and Platters,- Toy Sewing Machine,- Walking Cane for a Holy Woman,- Notes on Woodturning Pt 24 Turning a small Vase,- Jewellery Box,- Bead Bowl,- Behold the Moon

MB184. The Australian Woodworker – Number 184 (Nov/Dec 2015)

Furniture from felled tree at Government House Victoria,- Collaboration One Colen Clenton and Terry Gordon,- Learning about routers part 2,- User report Festool Vecturo OS 400 Oscillating Tool,- Turnfest Explained,- The impossible Trivet,- Market wares 13 Mobile Phone Stands,- Box Making Working with Angles,- Notes on Woodturning Pt 25 Turning a perfect Sphere,- Bob’s unusual Pens -2 Peach Pits Pens,- Woodcarving by numbers Pt 13 Celtic Patterns,- Breakfast Plates,- Sir Henry Parkes and his turned candle sticks,- Desert Donkey Notebook Cover

MB185. The Australian Woodworker – Number 185 (Jan/Feb 2016)

Hydrowood –Salvaging Tasmania’s Flooded Forests,- Restoration & Revival of a Vintage Thicknesser,- Turnfest 2016,- 33rd Annual Exhibition 2015 by Woodcraft Guild ACT,- Carving with High Speed Rotary Tools Pt 1 Introduction,- Carved Seat Bar Stool Version II,- Notes on Woodturning Pt 26 Internet Videos,- The Star Table,- A turned Bowl made with a Home made ring cutter,- Learning about Routers pt. 3 ,- Market Wares -14 Fishing Reel Toilet Roll Holder,- Carving an Eagle,- Whistling Kite

MB186. The Australian Woodworker – Number 186 (Mar/Apr 2016)

User Report Laguna 18/36 Lathe,- Cordless Woodworking with Milwaukee Tools,- Carving with High speed rotary tools pt.2 Burrs and Bits,- Learning about Routers pt. 4,- A fair dinkum Toy Box,- Dust extraction system upgrade,- Pyrography Lone Emu,- Restoring a Stanley 4½ Plane,- Market Wares pt 15 Segmented Letter Openers,- Magic Pea Holder,- Notes on Woodturning pt. 27 Unconventional Tools and Cutting Edge Shapes,- Woodcarving by numbers pt. 14 An Acanthus Panel,- Making the Lopez Chess Set using a loose pin chuck

MB187. The Australian Woodworker – Number 187 (May/Jun 2016)

Neil Scobie workshops in South Australia,- WA Woodturner Neil Turner,- User Report: Bosch GSB Professional 18V Impact VE-2-L1 Drill Driver,- User Report: Bosch PSR 10.8V L1-2 Drill /Driver,- Which drill do I buy,- Vision Aust. ASSIST Industrial Skills Training,- Monogrammed Sofa Table Part 1,- Duplicating Woodturnings using Shadows,- Pyrography Saltwater Crocodile,- Woodcarving by numbers Pt 15 Carving in 3-Dimensions a Swag,- Market Wares 16 Dog Bowl Holder,- Notes on Woodturning Pt. 28 Turning a Couch leg,- Cutting Finger or Box Joints on a Bandsaw,- Learning about Routers pt. 5- Making a simple box,- 500mm high two Hour Hourglass,- Carving with high speed rotary tools pt. 3- Carving a Leaf

MB188. The Australian Woodworker – Number 188 (Jul/Aug 2016)

Turning a Trambleur by French master Jean-Francois Escoulen,- Vale Neil Scobie,- Vale Max Jensen,- Why we use timber,- Laguna REVO 18/36 Lathe,- Learning about Routers Pt. 6,- Earth and Beyond in Red Cedar,- Turning a Monaural Stethoscope,- Notes on Woodturning Pt. 29 Turning a Standard Lamp,- Market Wares Cannon Toothpick Holder,- Monogrammed Sofa Table Pt. 2,- Pyrography Giraffe,- Woodcarving by numbers Pt.16 Carving a Linenfold Decoration,- The Lozenge Box,- Carving with high speed rotary tools – 4 Carving a cluster of Gumnuts with Stem and Leaf,- Electronic Variable Control for your Single Phase Lathe

MB189. The Australian Woodworker – Number 189 (Sep/Oct 2016)

Working Safety with Epoxies and Polyurethanes,- Crib boat,- Learning about Routers Pt. 7Hold down and fluting,- Carving Lovespoons Pt 1 Introduction,- Notes on Woodturning Pt.30 Making a Yarn bowl,- Bedside serving table,- Market Wares- 18 Doorway Decoration,- Turning Leather Handles on a Woodturning Lathe,- Pyrography Coloured Butterfly, Lacewood Box,- First big Turning job Empress Shotoku’s Pagodas,- Wooden Cross Puzzle 1

MB190. The Australian Woodworker – Number 190 (Nov/Dec 2016)

Geoff Hannah`s Chinoiserie Cabinet 2016,- Shingles for St Stephen`s Chapel,- Timberbits more than pens and Clocks,- Failure of External Clear Coatings,- Learning about Routers Pt.8,- Pyrography Sputnik Urchin,- Improved Panel Clamping jig,- Turned Drawer Knobs with Lag Screw fixing,- Pair of Viking Chairs,- Notes on Woodturning Pt.31 Turning a fruit stand,- Carving Lovespoons -2 Celtic Knot Heart Panel,- Wooden Cross Puzzle,- Market Wares Chunky Serviette Rings

MB191. The Australian Woodworker – Number 191 (Jan/Feb 2017)

MakerSpace & Co ,- The Australian Woodturning Exhibition 2016,- Trend improves the Airshield Pro Respirator,- Choosing Plywood,- Making a Wheel Back Double Bow Windsor Chair Pt 1,- Turning Wooden Funnels,- Reel Time Clock,- Pyrographic Magpie,- Notes on Woodturning Pt.32 The Spoon Foot Leg,- Carving and Painting an Eastern Rosella,-The Wooden Cross Puzzle Pt 3,- Beginners Series # 43 Bathroom Stool,- Market wares- Mountains and Photo holder

MB192. The Australian Woodworker – Number 192 (Mar /Apr 2017)

Making wooden bowties and 40 natural finishes,- Restoring the Picador Pup woodworking machine,- User report Spiral Cutter Torque Wrench,- Record Power made in England,- The Molinillo (chocolate Pot),- Giant Turned wooden hand,- Make your own Wooden clamp,- Pyrography My Old Girl,- Notes on Woodturning Pt.33 Turning a wooden Wall Hook,- Tilt Skittles,- Making a smaller version post war sideboard,- Making a Wheel Back Double Bow Windsor Chair part 2,- Market Wares 21 Pen & Pencil Tray

MB193. The Australian Woodworker – Number 193 (May/Jun2017)

Pegasus a kinetic sculpture,- Accoya® acetylated Radiata pine for external applications,- User Report Trend Unibase (Router plate),- A Big Lathe (3mr BC) Notes on Woodturning Pt.34 Split Turnings,- Precision planing with jigs,- Making a box book,- The Camera clock,- Rolling Stool for the Workshop,- The Waiter and the Pirate,- Router based Finger Jointer,- Pyrography-Cow Skull,- Market Wares #22 Small Chalk Board,- Beginner Series #44 A simple Mitre Jig

MB194. The Australian Woodworker – Number 194 (Jul/Aug 2017)

Sam Newmarch’s Wooden Geared Clock,- User Report, Trend Combination Router Base,- User Report, Fiskars IsoCore Hammer,- Sharpening Cabinetmaking Tools,- How to Secure a tabletop,- Wooden Wallet,- Segmented Chip and Dip Bowl,- Time out stool Timer,- Turning the humble chicken Egg,- Notes on woodturning part 35 Turning a Plant Pedestal,- Coffee Table with Meandering Conversation,- Benchtop Chest of Drawers for Cameras,- A Shooting Board for Finishing End Grain,- Market Wares #23 Rocket Clock,- Cable Drum Workbench,- Decoration of a cow skull

MB195. The Australian Woodworker – Number 195 (Sep/Oct 2017)

Sanders & how to choose one,- From Warfare to Woodworking (curve cutting knives/blades),- Notes on woodturning part 36 Twin Naval Woodturners,- Moisture content of Timber,- Sharpening Skews and Detail Gouges,- Laminated Bowls from a single board,- Turning Musical Percussion Instruments,- Pyrography A little Unicorn,- Market Wares #24 The Napkin Holder,- Wine Bottle Holder,- Tambour Box,- Faceted Wooden Bowls Pt1

MB197. The Australian Woodworker – Number 197 (Jan /Feb 2018)

Abrasive Papers and Sanding Devices,- Journals on Australian Coachbuilding,-Useful tips for Beginners Pt2,- User Report: Fiskars hardware Scissors and Snips,- Bowna Turnabout 2017 (Wagga Wagga),- User Report: Milwaukee ROS 150 E-2 Sander,- The Dolphin Project,- Notes on woodturning part 38 turning a small free end,- Pyrography Barbary Sheep,- Sewing Gear Box.-A Bandsaw Jewellery Box from a laminated Block,- Making a Chinese Padlock,- Market Wares The Thumb Thing,- Combination Salt Shaker & Pepper Grinder,- Custom made Machine Vice

MB198. The Australian Woodworker – Number 198 (Mar/Apr 2018)

Siena’s World Globe,- The Australian Woodturning Exhibition 2017,- User Report- Bosh GOP Professional 18V -28 Multitool,- User Report- Arbortech Ball Gauge,- Cutting Coves without Catches,- A sort of Bookcase part 1,- Notes on Woodturning part 39 – Turning a Needle Case,- Potted Plant,- Off -Centre turned Salt Cellar,- Dovetail Marking Squares,- Tissue box cover and holder,- The painters easel,- Market Wares #26 Cd/DVD Bookends,- Note let Box – A project for Young Woodworkers

MB199. The Australian Woodworker – Number 199 (May/Jun 2018)

User Report Fiskars PowerGear Aviation Snips,- Vesper Tools turns 20,- Improving a box,- The Tree table,- A Sort of Bookcase-2,- Power Carving a Scandinavian Style Bowl,- Notes on Woodturning part 40 – Saving a Shaving Brush,- Pyrography Bull Dragon,- Spring-loaded Coin Tube,- Trenching Jig,- Market wares – pen holder,- Chessboard with Stowage Drawer

MB200. The Australian Woodworker – Number 200 (Jul/Aug 2018)

Planer and Thicknessers,- Helical Cutters for Planers and Thicknessers,- Zina Burloiu A Game of Shadow and Light,- User Report Angle Cube,- Improving the Quality of your Woodworking,- A Brief History of Chip Carving,- Working with the Gifkins Jig- Pt.8 Angled Dovetails,- Coffee Table,- Make Your Own Wooden Sash Clamp,- Market Wares #28,- Notes on Woodturning Part 41 – Turning a Detailed Drawer Knob,- Making a Turned Staved Bowl from a Rectangular Blank,- Pyrography Laughing Kookaburra

MB201. The Australian Woodworker – Number 201 (Sep/Oct 2018)

Newton William’s Colibri 2,- Rob Day’s 1960 Fordson Super Dextra,- Australian Scroll Saw Exhibition 2018 Miccham SA,- Darren Tumney’s Chess Set,- Bowna Turnabout 2018,- User Report – Wizard 5 Metal Detector,- Bandsaw Box with Yosegi Marquetry Facings,- Bevelled Biscuit Barrel,- V-Cutting and Bead Rolling,- Mistakes and GAAD Woodworking,- Pyrography Three Bears,- Homemade Wood Drying Kilns,- Turned Bird Feeder,- Market Wares #29 Bookmarks from offcuts,- Notes on Woodturning Part 42 Candlesticks

MB202. The Australian Woodworker – Number 202 (Nov/Dec 2018)

Lie Nielsen Toolworks Woodworking Classes,- Dowels history,- User Report Universal Router Guide (URG),- Choosing the right lathe for bowl turning,- Panelled Coffee Table,- Making the big stirrer,- From firewood to Tall Wooden Urn,- Pair of side tables,- Market Wares #30 Tau cross Ankh,- Ebony and Ivory Spinning Wheel,- A simple stool with a shaped seat,- Notes on Woodturning Part 43 Long Grain Cutting Board,- Pyrography Echidna

MB203. The Australian Woodworker – Number 203 (Jan/Feb 2018)

User Report – Stubby Lathe,- Negative Rake Scrapers,- Dowels Vs Mortice & Tenon,- Marketwares #31 Knife blocks,- A Bowl from Overlapping Segments,- Building a Violin,- Long Hardwood Shoehorns,- Notes on Woodworking part 44 – Turning,- Treasure Box with secret locking,- Carving and Painting a Scarlet Macaw,- Helmeted Guinea Fowl Mugshots.

MB204. The Australian Woodworker – Number 204 (Mar/Apr 2019)

Safer Lichtenberg or Fractal Burning,- Hourglass Woodwork,- Australian Woodworking in the 1880’s,- Drawn Mortice & Tenon Joints,- The Animated Carapace,- Marketwares 32: Large dice,- Two End Grain Cutting Boards,- Insert and Decoration,- Notes on Woodworking part 45 making a Cello Stand,- How to turn Tops,- Treasure Box with secret locking part 2,- Pyrography Easter bunny.

MB205. The Australian Woodworker – Number 205 (May/Jun 2019)

Pat Johnson travelling woodturner,- Cooroora Woodcraft Show 2018,- Making a Mike Dunbar Windsor Chair,- Properties of Glue,- Sculpting in Wood,- Sharpening Angles for turning angles,- Centenary of a Forestry milestone,- Saddle Surface Vases and Bowls,- Boxed Candleholder,- Marketwares#33 Cookbook tablet or smartphone holder,- Working with the Gifkins Jig Pt 8B Angled Dovetails,- Chenese String Puzzle using a CMC Router,- Notes on Woodworking part 46 Converting a Vessel into a Lamp,- Pyrography MogoZoo Regal Serval (cat)

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